miértkonzisztencia, skin hunger

akkor és ott lehet hogy jó ötlet volt
felvenni a Bobby Quine exoszemélyiséget
de így most már
felköpni mélyről a tusoló csempéjére
aztán majd lefolyhat a bringatúra maradékával
piócaviselkedésű persze, néha fekete, néha pantone-kaméleon
de lyukakon mászik be, bár személyiség még sose húgycsőkatéterezett meg
és ennek őszintén örülök

KICKSTARTER: support the California Deathrock Book!

Kickstarter crowdfunding just succeeded for a book of deathrock subculture photography by Amelia G and Forrest Black. Best known for their work with Blue Blood, the photography of Amelia G and Forrest Black has also been published by Rolling Stone, Playboy, Tattoo Savage, Picture, MTV, Orkus, New Grave, Permission, Alternative Press, Meltdown, Ghastly, Sonic Seducer, and many others.

For more than a decade, Amelia G and Forrest Black's personal work has been documenting various subcultures. Amelia G says the West Coast deathrock scene has been one of their favorite subcultures to shoot. Publishing a fifteen year retrospective of deathrock imagery would definitely be a labor of love, so the subculture documentarians appealed to their friends and
readers to back a Kickstarter project to put the book out.
(kickstarter link - donations accepted from 5USD)

URGENT: looking for media/creative jobs in London

Looking for a full-time job in London, mostly related to writing (tech, pop and alternative culture), community management (7+ yrs) or uni lecturer work (2 yrs + 5 yrs radio). Or brainstorming on creative aspects of social media and startups.

Mostly rooted in technology, futurism, cyberpunk, fringe culture and social media. Got a movie script under my belt, also first book just gotten published in Hungary (in nationwide distribution at the moment), translation is in the works!

My visual resume is shared above - if you can reshare or retweet this, I'd really appreciate that. (If you have ideas about non-London works, drop me a mail. Contacts in the resume.) Thanks!

planetdamage mega linkbox, 2012 may

Welcome. To start a new era in the history of this blog (and my own life and head and everything), I gotta release all the bookmarks that I've stored away in the past 12-18 months (some 350+ links) thinking I just need a few hours and I'll write mega insane amazing thematic posts. No. Not gonna happen. I know the structure is very minimal and this is too dense but you gotta fight through the gorgeous bits of knowledge, buckets of cow eyes, Cthulhu sex toys, girls twisted into Gundam mecha, various methods for brain hacking and whatnot. Note: I am still looking for a tool/app that would synchronize all my Google Bookmarks, Google Reader Bookmarks, Chrome bookmarks and Twitter favourites. As a welcoming gift, there's an Atari Teenage Riot - Iggy Pop - Nine Inch Nails mashup for a quick appetizer. The rest doesn't swallow easy.
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BREAKING: Neuromancer a Hungarian co-production, ready by autumn 2013

Renowned US producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura (Transformers, Constantine) is to partner with Seven Arts Entertainment Inc and Prodigy Pictures on William Gibson adaptation Neuromancer, it was confirmed this weekend.

Di Bonaventura and his producing partner Mark Vahradian along with Prodigy’s Jay Firestone and Steve Hoban will produce the long gestating film, to be directed by Vincenzo Natali (Splice, Cube.)

Neuromancer will be produced as a UK-Canadian-Hungarian co-production by Neuromancer Productions UK Limited (an affiliate of Peter Hoffman’s Seven Arts and GFM Films LLP) in the UK, Pioneer Pictures KFT in Hungary and an affiliate of Prodigy in Canada. Shooting on the $60m budget feature is planned for later this year, with anticipated distribution ready for the autumn of 2013. GFM has been instrumental in setting up an EIS structure for the film. (more at screendaily.com)

HELP NEEDED: robotgyártót, robotépítőt, robot keresünk

»Az Encyclopaedia Galactica szerint a robot olyan mechanikai berendezés, melyet az ember munkájának elvégzésére terveztek. A Szíriusz Kibernetikai Társaság piackutató részlege szerint a robot "A Te Műanyag Haverod, Akivel Pompásan Érzed Magad". A GALAXIS Útikalauz szerint a Szíriusz Kibernetikai Társaság piackutató részlege "eszetlen semmirekellők csürhéje, akiket elsőként állít majd falhoz a forradalom".«

Egyik kedves ismerősöm fejében felmerült egy konferenciaelőadásokat tartó, filigrán, koktélpartiképes robot megépítésének gondolata. Semmi bonyolult mesterséges intelligencia, csak egy lánctalpakon gördülő 150 centis játékszer, ami távolról irányítható (mobilnet + webcam), kiállítható prezentálni (fut rajta a Powerpoint vagy ekvivalense), és készségszinten futtatja a Skype-ot kétirányú audiokommunikáció céljából.

Amivel az ötletgazda rendelkezik, az maga az ötlet, IT projektmenedzsment-tapasztalat, és ha komolyra fordul a dolog, akkor belepakolható tőke (épeszű keretek között). Nem rendelkezik azonban semmilyen tapasztalattal robotok építésében, még egy nyomorult Arduinot sem pakolt össze soha egyedül. Sadface.

Ha van kedve valakinek segíteni, esetleg levezényelni az építést (a befektethető tőke értelmében természetesen nem ingyen), dobjon egy mailt a szabolcs.sandor@karmamedia.eu címre.

2012 április: életjel, könyv, ld50 meg a többi

Ez a gibsonian fényelt szürke a Mitoék egyik bútordarabja, a könyv rajta az, amin az elmúlt majdnem másfél évben dolgoztam, a rajta látható szimbólum pedig Papa Legbához, a haiti voodoo panteonjának egyik kulcsfigurájához tartozik, ha pedig ezt a mondatot olvassátok, akkor az azt jelenti, hogy a fekete csontkoponyákkal kockázó, habanerorumot vedelő istenek nem nyitottak portált a gyomromban és nem szülök skorpiókat éppen kétes féléletre egy szabadkőműves páholy közepén üvöltve. Lefordítom. Minden terv szerint halad.
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DAMAGE REPORT: megjelent az első könyvem, részletek, ajándékcsomagok

Ültem egy évig a Word felett (a kiskanalaim sorra oldódtak fel a Hiroshima-erejű espressokban), aztán elkészült a 400+ oldalnyi, dühödt gonzóban panírozott verbálelesdé, a DAMAGE REPORT, életem első könyve, sokan dolgoztunk rajta, érződik is rajta, hogy szerelemgyerek. Valahol örülök, hogy gyerektartásit nem kell érte, de a születés utáni hallgatósokk még tartja magát. Ha nem érted, amit írok, csak az tehet róla. A fenti képen nem csupán a könyv, hanem az ajándékcsomag részei is, amiket megnyerhetsz. Meg mesélek. Részletek beljebb.
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International electro-psychotics ANGELSPIT have announced the USB SPIT PILL: a 4GB USB in the shape of the iconic Angelspit pill. Fans will be able pick and choose which Angelspit releases they want to have loaded onto the USB SPIT PILL. These releases include previously unavailable photos, interviews, videos, and much more.

Each USB SPIT PILL comes with Angelspit's newest remix compilation "[Re]fibrillator" pre-loaded. Fans can add as many Angelspit releases as they desire onto the USB SPIT PILL, from the most recent "Hello My Name Is" (2011) to the earliest "Nurse Grenade" (2004). Even tracks from Zoog's pre-Angelspit band "Jekyll Switch" will be available. Other releases include the never-before-released "Angelspit Live 2009" and "Rarities" (featuring several remixes by Angelspit for other bands). The releases contain enough special features to destroy any fan's mind PLUS they are cheaper than the regular digital versions on Amazon or iTunes!

You need one now. I actually need to buy a complete discography - every album seems to be filled with hi-rez artworks, lots of extra images, videos and of course the rarities. Get yours customized. Now. Here.

CYBERPUNK ZINE TEASER: Fake: Pleasure Species #12

Zoog von Rock, frontman of industrial/cyberpunk band Angelspit is releasing a new issue of his mega futuristic punk zine PLEASURE SPECIES. Issue #12 (titled FAKE) will be a massive 24 pages with a huge poster (6ft x 3 ft) on the back of each page that you can assemble and pimp on your wall. It's probably coming out next month - in the meanwhile get previous issues here at Black Pill Red Pill and click/scroll down for more page teasers. (I have a double spread in it entitled Chaos! Magic on a Flipdrive Near You - there's a thumbnail about that as well, the one with the halftone Crowley background.)

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planetdamage linkbox, 2012-04-07

  • Dunno the source for that (but that was probably from Russia) - Luminokaya, quite a decent psy/goa artwork lab.
  • Glitch/ambient/technoid/evil dubstep god Hecq has a free Ableton Live Pack for download -according to the Ableton site, "a modern update on classic IDM and glitch, infused with a healthy dose of dubstep elements."
  • Stop Writing on the Internet to Make People Love You. A wonderful and true piece on why and how we do or do not write and have our doubts about the whole thing. Jennifer Wright. She has words of wisdom.

CYBERPUNK: the new total recall trailer

Yes, Colin Farrell takes the lead, leaving Arnold behind. Visual overhaul tick, contemporary kick-ass ladies tick, flying cars tick (everybody is so over their tits about the flying cars, it's seriously freaky), more action tick. Haven't seen the Martian whore with three tits. The only Easter egg we are curious about. August 3rd is the date when we find out. (thx to whoever sent this link in, your number is still legion!)

GOTH: how to dance goth (tutorial)

Pure genius instruction video with moments of [i am not worthy of capuccino] and [stepping over a dead friend]. In a Specimen tee. (via @mohaborz!)

TECHNO: Zoltan - Pluton EP (GHM-002, Granholme)

Hypnotic beats, hypnotic visuals and a hypnotic promo video, chemically certified minimal tech. Reminds me of all the X-MIX acid/minimal beats from the nineties. Interested in more of this guy's work? There's a bit of an interview and a complete mix at Sonic Router!

2012 March: 20 tracks you’ve missed

From female fronted etheric rock to minimal EBM, from wicked dubstep to power riot, 20 tracks that stuck in my head for too long in February & March. Share, rehash, remix and spread these, they are all ROCK CERTIFIED. You gotta do your own clicking and research for these, my super favourites are highlighted, the rest are for you to mine out.

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2012 március: életjel, könyv, előadás, vérhab

Januárban megírtam az első könyvem, hátradőltem és azt mondtam, fasza, akkor most foglalkozzunk mással, keressünk valami melót addig, amíg még Magyarországon élek, aztán lepattanok Albionba, a könyv meg halad a maga útján és minden rendben lesz. Aki ismer (vagy akinek van élettapasztalata), az már várja a sztorit, hogy hogy lett öttel bonyolultabb az egész. Azóta beleötleteltem a borítódesignba is, most éppen szügyig matatok a tördelővel a korrektúrában, a Karmamediával a könyv mellé kapcsolt social media megoldásokban és bömbölő, szívárványszínű hányásgejzír tör fel belőlem, amikor valaki megkérdezi, hogy na és szerinted milyen érzés híres lenni (és még nem hívtak fel a nyomdából, hogy muszáj-e UV-lakkos extra réteget vasalniuk a borítóra). A loák mindeközben csendesen mosolyognak és a látszat szerint soha-el-nem-sötétülő glowstickekből összerakott áldozati füzéreken keresztül figyelik a ROCK napi épülését.

(Ergo, időm nem nagyon volt másra, de, megszületett ez az infografika meg két további könyvön dolgozunk, ezekről majd mesélek, ha már nem csak ötletek lesznek, a babonásság tartja magát. Ha jól emlékszem, írtam-designoltam négy oldalt egy cyberpunk fanzinba, webshopba kerülés után rakom azt is. És ha megkérdezed, hogy sok munka van-e egy könyv gondozásával, igen, istelenül sok.)

A fenti designt Kaszás Vera Moiré gyártotta le egy precíziós atomtámadás erejével és ha érdekel, hogy miért lett fehér alapon ilyen szövegmozaik a borító és nem fekete alapon fekete alapon fekete, akkor figyeld a könyvre felhúzott blogot a damagereport.hu-n, mert oda pakolunk ezerféle tartalmat, feedbacket, DJ-mixet, tiküldtéteket meg nyereményjátékot.

Szerda este még mesélek is a könyvről a Geek Nyelvtan MeetOFFon, ami egész ijesztően hangzik, de amúgy az lesz, hogy ti eljöttök, riasztóan olcsó a szesz, én tíz percben elmondom, hogy milyen nyelvészeti fogalmakat merít ki az, hogy az ipari kaviár anyád tüdejében végzi (provokatív a jó válasz, a k betű alá meg beszorult egy nemtudommi, de fel-felsír ott hogy oponya amat ísértet)

facebook event, megkattintod, eljössz

meg elmondom, hogy a szőr meg a bizarr ötletek hogyan függnek össze, én lendülettel, ti bólogattok, iszunk, Kolosthemanwithoutfacebook hangot öklendezik és dubstepre integet (erre a Dohány 22 felé száll le az összes utasszállító a lisztferi helyett, mert a Kolos nagyon tud), Bazsi elikszfaktorolja a Cobain-életművet B-trackestül, aztán elkülditek nekem Facebookon a legjobb fotókat, betageltek, befriendeltek, aztán jöttök áprilisban a könyvbemutatóra és eltörjük a magyar apátiát.


An Alan Moore lecture (October Gallery, 26th October 2010)

Alan Moore from Ecology, Cosmos & Consciousness on Vimeo.

Our much beloved Great Wizard of Albion, Mr Alan Moore, gave a talk as part of a series of events held on the last Tuesday of the month at the October Gallery back in 2010 and there’s now a good, long video of Alan’s talk online. (forbiddenplanet.co.uk, via @Komavary)


MENTALLO & THE FIXER ARE PSYCHEDELIC INDUSTRIAL MAMMOTHS! One of the bands that really defined my whole musical likescape and interest was the splatter-industrial work of Dwayne & Gary Dassing and now they're releasing new stuff in 2012 - one is the 4CD compilation that's pimped by this morning's Alfa Matrix newsletter (released April 27th) and the other's the new LP entitled Music from the Eather, coming sometime this summer. If you want to know more, why don't you check the interview I made with Gary into The DOSE mag?

Brainchild of the two Texan brothers Gary and Dwayne Dassing, MENTALLO & THE FIXER is definitely one of the most influential American electro/industrial bands of the last 20 years. Highly emotional and complex, their music is characterized by snarling distorted vocals, hard cutting sequencer rhythms and a thunderous beat. Always projecting himself into the future, Gary Dassing has throughout his career, constantly been reinventing his sound, offering an impressive list of avant-garde electronic music releases on renown labels like Zoth Ommog, Metropolis Records and Alfa Matrix.

After a catharsis of another 5 years of silent isolation, MENTALLO & THE FIXER is now ready to delivery to their faithful "old-school" fanbase a massive special 4-disc box set collection gathering over 50 tracks: mostly exclusive and previously unreleased material spanning throughout the years back to 1987 until 1996. There is much from the Zoth Ommog era of MENTALLO & THE FIXER and even prior to that, the set also includes several projects the Dassing brothers had along the way: from POLYHEDRON through MAINESTHAI or yet the first full length BENESTROPHE demo tapes, much of which has never been released or even heard. "I like the demos much better, they sound more raw.", Gary Dassing says. (for more info and tracklist, go alfa-matrix.com)

TRON: how to recreate the lightcycle trail

My old day job used to involve cycling in Cambridge and I would cycle everywhere, when it got dark my bike would light up too, but since watching TRON: Legacy I wanted to recreate the light ribbons effect. Apart from cycling incrediby fast I'm not going to be able to generate those beams, but with a suitable light and good photographer I've managed to recreate them (more at instructables, via @sajtoshu)

HOW TO make your infographics CV (part 2)

Hello. This is Damage Von Rock and whenever you're reading this, I'm just about to drink another triple ristretto boiled with Red Bulls. And boy, do I see noises. And when that's not happening, this happens ALL THE TIME, I'm doing other fun stuff, like getting my book released on future research/pop culture or designing an infographics CV for my long-time friend Sylwia. Check out her massive social portfolio and click more to see how her CV came to life.
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PROTEIGON (simply amazing product promo)

PROTEIGON, created by Steven Briand and Luca Fiore (with some help) during a two month internship at a production company called Partizan, is one of those pieces that worms its way into your brain more because of the “how” and not so much the finished product. (via coilhouse, more at vimeo)

linkbox, the one about february, freakdom and fuckery

If you read this, you probably know how DDoSing a server or killing surveillance tech with white noise works. The very same thing is happening to my brain now. Too much input from too many sources on levels the existence of which I wasn't even aware of. And all in all, I wouldn't really have it any other way. While I'm coping with my life and sorting out all the different things that keep me awake at night, please accept these links of dubious, questionable and random content I've amassed. (With no explanations or comments, that's the main woe I have about the whole thing.) The February tracklist and lifesign posts are coming up together with more info on the Damage Report. JA MATA AND WREAK HAVOC!

10 Sex Robots Who Kill *** Adorable/Horrifying Little Girl Cyclops Cosplay *** Amiga Music Preservation *** Anti Cayce-Pollard Armor *** App for Optimizing Caffeine Intake *** Editorial Rates at the Editorial Freelancers Association *** Flying Robots Build Structures *** How an Infinity is Greater Than Another *** How to X-ray a Volcano *** Human Skin as Touch Screen Interface *** Inception: The Theme Park *** It's Scientifically Possible to Predict the Next Pop Music Hit *** Peter Kofler's Selection of System Shock Music *** Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon *** Snowpunk Mixes *** Surreal Yugoslavian Sci-fi Art from the 70s/80s *** The Cthulhu Bible *** The Oldest Piano Shop in Paris *** The Physics of Magnetic Nail Polish *** The Truth About Books Bound in Human Skin *** Typewriter that Types Colours *** What Flavor is This Shape? *** World Masturbation Champion Prefers Anime Girls to Real Ones

whiners' club s01e02 (face the truth)

Memento. Not the artsiest shot of ten pieces of hachi. But below, she's Lady Vividfluxury and it's always fun to rock out with her and she's got this new project now you gotta check out, Face the Truth? Now on Blogspot and Bandcamp. I'd call that ritual bunker noise but I'm probably wrong and I love the layered synths in it too much. Go buy their stuff.
(UPDATE SEZ I should probably go into explanation mode about "ritual" and "noise", respectively? No chance in hell today. Today is any day.)

GLITCH: IBNIZ - hardcore audiovisual machine, esoteric programming language

As demonstrated by the video, IBNIZ (Ideally Bare Numeric Impression giZmo) is a virtual machine and a programming language that generates video and audio from very short strings of code. Technically, it is a two-stack machine somewhat similar to Forth, but with the major execption that the stack is cyclical and also used at an output buffer. Also, as every IBNIZ program is implicitly inside a loop that pushes a set of loop variables on the stack on every cycle, even an empty program outputs something (i.e. a changing gradient as video and a constant sawtooth wave as audio). (via countercomplex)

WISDOM: Neal Stephenson on getting big stuff done

For thousands of years it has been the case that the imagination of storytellers has been a guiding light for the world of people working change the world. In the last decade or two though, science fiction has almost fallen behind the work of technologists and entrepreneurs. For the sake of a more interesting tomorrow, we need to get the proverbial horse back out in front of the cart - with our imagination professionals building a vision of the future to inspire the builders of the new world. (via solveforx)