Vakondok 2: hogyan fér el egy bolygó 4096 betűben?

Korábban már lelkesedtem két kört a Vakondok dokufilm demosceneről készített második részéről, most már itt a teljes hosszúságú, másfél órányi változat, egyelőre angol felirat nélkül. Hogyan fér bele egy bolygó 4K-ba, miért szeretjük még mindig a Szimpla monitorokkal meg kiberiádával telezsúfolt oldaltermét és hogyan festi meg az elmúlt évtizedek legizgalmasabb artszubkult művészeti törekvéseit a negyedszáz interjúalany (név szerint: Duckers, VOyager, Bery, BoyC, Xtrium, Maxuser 6000, fei, Hakon, Nagz, Unreal, Ravezed, Slyspy, Küki, Murphy, Borys, NecroPolo, Poison, Pasy, Remage, Sir Garbagetruck, Gargaj, Reptile, SP, Vincenzo, Ziona)? Így. Megnéz, örül, megvásárol. Hol? Lent a link. Sok link.

A Vakondok 2 – Demoscene – Az Algoritmusok Művészete című dokumentumfilm január 13-ától ingyenesen letölthető a film honlapjáról, és megtekinthető Youtube-on is.
A megjelenést követő első héten több mint háromezren töltötték le, vagy nézték meg online a filmet. Ezzel egy időben, a mindössze 150.000 Ft-ból készült dokumentumfilm nemzetközi vetítései is megkezdődtek. A film január 14-én debütált Tokióban, és a következő hónapokban többek között Ausztráliában, Brazíliában, az Egyesült Államokban, Kanadában és Európa szerte, összesen több mint 20 városban kerül bemutatásra. A vetítésekről további információk a oldalon találhatók. A film a PC World számítógépes magazin februári számának DVD mellékletén is megjelenik, ami egy linket is tartalmazni fog egy, a filmből kimaradt jelenethez.

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♫ Alec Empire goes RAGE at Sensation Black 2005 (DJ Outblast)

Was looking for more sets to look what DJ Outblast is capable of and then then Alec just rages in after the first few seconds. Alec Empire is fuckin everywhere.

HOW TO make your infographics CV (tutorial)

(click here for high-resolution version)

You need to get the message across. Everybody does. And when the whole platform of getting it through becomes a CV, most of the time you don't go McLuhanesquely the medium is the message, you crank your references into two Europass pages (HR people won't read more than two, CEOs won't read more than one if you have the LUCK OF THE GODS) and that just doesn't cut it. Infographics CVs have been around for some time now and I've just done one. It's the very colourful pic above. What's that, what's the concept behind it and how can you make one? Answers below.
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Shadowing The Prodigy: this is how you remake Voodoo People and Smack My Bitch Up

Videos like these are like Zen. Tutorials on how to make, remake, imitate and simulate household classic party tracks like Smack My Bitch Up and Voodoo People will make you feel motivated and incredibly hyped up. Seeing how Jim Pavloff remakes these tracks is just like watching kung fu movies - if I just imagine doing that, it makes me feel stronger. Or a wannabe musician with even more potential. On the other hand, it reminds you how fast can you make tracks, how easily and how you did something completely different instead of putting manhours into laying down tracks and hunting for old records to sample.

And this makes me go back on the basic question on what the work with - did a whole six years on ScreamTracker and FastTracker 2 and that alone would sort of lead me to go to Renoise or Fruity Loops, but flirting around with Reason or Ableton has always been an option (especially after doing remixes with Acid in the old days).

But all in all - these videos are pure gold and they were brought to you by Coilhouse.

FULL FILM: Sons of Chaos (Mathieu Turi, 2010)

A short movie of initiation and trial. French moviemaker Mathieu Turi has just sent the PDHQ a link to Sons of Chaos, his post-apocalyptic SF movie, shot in RED, done with a nice amount of camerawork and effects. As for the background story: society went up in flames together with a proper ecology, the air is poisonous, survivors are measured in thousands and weird humanoid predators named howlers roam the lands and one of the survivors set to protect the others needs to undergo a trial to prove his worth.

Even though I could justify the clumsiness of the fight scenes (why not finish off the howler with one headshot in the corridor scene? why not make sure it's dead? stab it a couple of times or tear off his gas mask just to be sure) with the fact that the protagonist is actually new to fighting, the ending even with its fair share of symbolism just appears to be too cryptic for me. Hopefully it won't be for you and all in all, a decent piece of short film, mood's decent, props are okay and even though there's quite a bit of cliché in it, it shows a lot of potential. Support Turi when he appears on Kickstarter to fund his new projects! Why not remake Romantically Apocalyptic?


A ritka magyar posztok egyike. Dawe_ barátom googlewhackelni akarja a magyar interneteket is és valóságtól vörös szemekkel könyörög azért, hogy legyen végre egy darab hit a világban arra, hogy tűrőfa. Ha már ilyen gyorsan teljesítettem a kívánságot, melléteszem a literes kiszerelésű öklözőzsír, a kirfel, telehá, tingal és a ferál fogalmait is. Pépesítem az agyakat a böngészőablakból. Furcsa alkímia ez ma.

bookmarks, linkbox, 2012-01-04

Rule #1: no politics on the blog. Ever.
So, Hungarian readers might remember this as one of the most iconic press photos released about the Budapest Opera house demonstrations, but I'm posting this here as a memento how the Anonymous Egregore planted itself into the riot layer of a city's subconscious. And the shot itself is amazing.

  • Portal 2 boots: By master prop builder Harrison Krix. Looks amazing but I'd need to have a few minutes jumping around in it to see whether it breaks my ankles into splinters of shrieking intelligence. (Pic above.)
  • Urban Exploring a Russian Rocket Plant: A truly amazing post with even more NUCLEAR ROCK by Lana Saltor, exploring the Energomash Plant. Great HDR overhead! (Pic below.)
  • Glow-y Scorpion Exoskeleton: And finally, a dead captainobviousy giveaway.

Thanks to the linkbox contributors: Dawe_, denemigen, Peter Gelencser.

William Gibson: Distrust That Particular Flavor (new book in 2012)

William Gibson's new book is available for pre-order on Amazon. Release date? January 3, 2012. Surprised? Probably as much as I was. According to Amazon,

(...) Gibson has been sought out by widely varying publications for his insights into contemporary culture. (...) These essays and articles have never been collected-until now. Some have never appeared in print at all. In addition, Distrust That Particular Flavor includes journalism from small publishers, online sources, and magazines no longer in existence. This volume will be essential reading for any lover of William Gibson's novels. Distrust That Particular Flavor offers readers a privileged view into the mind of a writer whose thinking has shaped not only a generation of writers but our entire culture.

Distrust That Particular Flavor on Amazon, recommended by Kolosthemanwithoutfacebook via newyorktimes.