mondo damage report: az októberi szám tartalmából

Október második hetében kerül a standokra a dekoltázsig Japánban, szügyig pedig popkultúrában krokodildundeezó Mondo Magazin újabb száma, benne tizenkét oldalnyi Damage Reporttal. Kapjátok a pagedumpokat: megjelent William Gibson új regénye, a Zero History, képregényrovatunkban rákacsintunk Ben Templesmithre és Jhonen Vasquezre, mint a setétabszurd jól bevált helytartóira. A halloweenség tartja magát: kaptok zenei ajánlót (rock-a-zombibillytől német okkult iparitechnóig és portugál világzenéig), bizarr szájbavalókat - azaz hét furcsa és bizarr ételt az íztelen börtönkenyértől a kukacpuhította olasz sajtig, kitekintést kaptok a szürkezónás mangafordításokról és -terjesztésről és gyorsan szembeállítjuk a modern horrorfilmeket a keleti és a nyugati kultúrkörből. A fenti képen figyelő helyes, jól sminkelt lány újonnan indított sminkrovatunkból kacsint ki (előzetest már kaptatok erről korábban), úgyhogy készüljetek, amúgy meg gyertek MondoConra október első hétvégéjén.
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lego space marines

Jerac has built some fantastic renditions of Warhammer 40K space marines. He’s built several marines, and given them a matching Landspeeder and Drednaught. I’m especially impressed with the way he came up with to render the trademark oversized space marine shoulder pauldrons. (jerac's photos, via the brothers brick)

qlimax 2009: the sigil spires into inexplicable upward motion (#musicmonday)

1. DBSTF ft. Wildstylez - The Human Soul
2. DBSTF - Together
3. DBSTF ft. Hight Voltage - Shiverz

blade runner: the making of the hades landscape (and more blade runner documentaries)

The urge of the universe cannot be avoided now, three PD readers sent this over during the past few days (Ripla, Razzor and Sinred, REPLICANT ROCK to all of them!). The Hades Landscape, or How The Very Phenomenal Urban Vista of Blade Runner was actually made. Amazing stuff, unfortunately no YouTube embed as of yet, you can check out the six-min video over here at Douglas Trumbull's. Though while we're at it, here's a whole Blade Runner documentary called Dangerous Days - three and a half hour long, culled from 80 interviews and rare footage - it has bits and pieces out in the public, so go for it - here's one outtake for you, a section from To Hades and Back: Release and Resurrection.

And to pay proper respect to Vangelis for one of the most perfect soundtracks ever created for the future - here's a fan-made music video with the main titles and end credits.

the very first station id for mtv japan (by reznor and tsukamoto)

Made by Tsukamoto Shinya as the first-ever station ID for MTV Japan, this video was called "TOH (Top of the Hour)". It was used from September 1993 til August 1994.

So far, a number of famous film-makers have made the TOH in the US. This time - exclusively for MTV Japan - Nine Inch Nails, who had been asking Tsukamoto to do their promotional video, penned the music. With this familiar melody [sic] by NIN, the video almost feels like a scene from the movie Tetsuo.

The film won the Station/Network ID award at New York Festival 1994. (text via youtube)

cover galore: voyage voyage (japán lolitáktól a spanyol kamionsofőrökig)

Senki sem ötvözte jobban az utazás iránti vágyat és a francia mélabút Desirelessnél, minden bishonen butch ősénél, aki huszonnégy éve egyszerre énekelte halhatatlanságba a diavetítőt meg az anime-keménységű rőt gyaluhajat, sanitariums have never been this much fun before. Huszonnégy éve alig készült belőle feldolgozás, a '86-os Jean-Michel Rivat féle eredetit ugyanis szinte lehetetlen felülmúlni, de amikor megpróbálják, akkor rendszerint olyan, amikor hajnal fél ötkor megpróbálunk a saját postaládánkba hányni, hátha sikerül valamit ráhagyni az utókorra. Utólag - ahogy ezt már a cover galore feldolgozássorozat első részénél, az A-Ha-féle The Sun Always Shines on TV-nél is elsütöttem - az énekesek már a saját számaikat sem tudják rendesen kiénekelni, úgyhogy Desireless utólagos öngóljait kihagytuk. Van viszont helyettük nyaraló, muffok, japán loliták és spanyol kamionsofőrök. Come, come!
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this is planetdamage on gender plot

GENDER PLOT: This plot shows artists from the chosen top for each of the given users. The positions are determined by the average age and gender of their listeners. The dots indicate the combined score of the top ten for each user. (genderplot demo on

damage says: watch these movies (presence, stasis, inter // states)

PRESENCE (trailer): Is the apocalypse in all your head? Bryan Kramer’s debut feature has exploding heads, which is excellent, but really it's more about one man’s journey into paranoia and the lonely night, as he struggles to understand what the deadly pandemic is all about. Forget Scanners and fast pace, think existentialist head trip on the meaning of plague, set to sparse eerie electronic chords, plus historical footage of gas masks and missiles. I would have liked more exploding heads, but perhaps that wasn’t the point, or budget. (via

STASIS (full short movie): In the future, an Ex-Soldier is placed in virtual exercises to cure his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In the simulations, he sees glimpses of a mysterious girl, presumably someone from his past. When a Stranger appears in his facility offering answers, the Soldier finds himself once again asked to kill, this time for her... (via io9)

INTER // STATES (full short movie): Inter // States is the latest Tokyo time-lapse piece by photographer Samuel Cockedey. The soundtrack is "Paradigm Flux (Tokyo Cut)" by Woob, from the new "Paradigm Flux" EP. (via pink tentacle)

Yes. There will be more recommendations. And while you're at it, check out the amazing soundtrack done for the Inter // States movie on bandcamp - Woob's EP is simply amazing. Stream it for free, download it for at least 1 USD.

aronofsky's black swan, trailer

Arrives here a bit later than usual but still - digging back now on materials unposted and I'd bleed my wings out if I ignored this. Mila Kunis, Natalie Portman and Vincent Cassel in one movie? (via io9, image via zimbio)

amazing new william gibson interview at maudnewton

Head over to NOW, woke me up more than the first shot of morning's double espresso, the insanely great new interview with William Gibson. Stuff on the theory and practice of writing, the extreme self-confidence of branding agencies and fashion. Amongst others. Go. Now. (via boingboing, via making light)

blackfeatheredcrown: she's in parties

Toronto-area model and psychedelic artist blackfeatheredcrown shows her devotion to Nintendo in a very appealing fashion. Catch the whole set on her Flickr page. (via kotaku)

októberben újra becsődölünk, koncertajánló

10.05 (kedd, A38): KILLING JOKE [a38] []
10.06-10 (szerda-vasárnap, Merlin): UH FEST [uh fest official] []
10.13 (szerda, Dürer kert): THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN []
10.16 (szombat, Diesel): FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY, LEAETHER STRIP [ld50]
10.26 (kedd, A38): DJ KRUSH [a38]

A szeptemberi felhozatal után az októberit látva az van, hogy kezd royalflushbe átmenni az éjszaka, mi meg csődbe, de legalább boldogan. Tizenhárom éve, az egyetem legelején köszönt még be a Haujobb, a Lassigue Bendthaus meg a Die Form hol bársonyos, hol meg szomorúkávézós pillanatai mellett valami sokkal elemibb, a pofon nyoma meg még a mai napig is látszik az arcomon, beköszönt az elmúlt harmincsok egyik legnagyobb hatású posztpunk-ipari (nem, de majd ezt mindenki magának) zenekara, a KILLING JOKE, előzenekarol hozzájuk a kilencvenes évek ipari/technójából gyökerező, abból bátran és jó kézzel merítő magyar FIRST AID 4 SOULS. Rögtön utána öt napon át nyöghetjük az Ultrahang Fesztet negyvenegy fellépővel (AtomTM, Stu, Static, Pole, Lau Nau, Kuupuu, Thomas Fehlmann, Kría Brekkan, Shit and Shine, csak hogy a kilenc highlightját emeljem), amiből mind a negyvenegyre kíváncsiak vagyunk, elsőtől az utolsóig, a kísérleti-zaj-elektro-minimál és a még több kísérleti jegyében. (katt a továbbra, bent még több)

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william gibson interview on media and celebrities from 1997

In an interview with Benjamin Woolley filmed in 1997 for BBC's The Net, science fiction author William Gibson anticipates the effect of the internet on celebrity culture. (via the cpc cyberpunk community, yes it is old, but you have to deal with that)

large helical device: japan creates its own star on planet earth

The good folks in Toki, Japan are busy plugging away at solutions to the energy crisis… with the largest superconducting stellarator ever made. According to Alexander Rose, this means that the Large Helical Device (LHD), "is the beginning of what you need to have your own little star right here on planet earth… without actually making our little blue marble into a star." (via dvice)

twitter gets hacked - use mobile clients for a while

Just putting this out to you so the word goes around - don't use the first and foremost for a while, only mobile clients (or play sad nun and untwitter everything!) - weird mouseover links will automatically make you go Jackson Pollock on your wall and you don't want that. Until further notice - use whatever else is there (and there's shitloads) and also go enjoy The Event.

new space battleship yamato trailer

(via Riplakoidase, Keeper of Trailers of ROCK!)

fuggy fuggy: ninja, horses and blade rocket launchers

He who struggles and endures will be a ninja. Nuff said. One of the brightest stuff I've seen during the past months, spotted that at Function 2010. (fuggy fuggy at

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frozen randomly in time

The pentagram presents itself to me lost in time, like tears in rain on a day God decides to amp up gravity just to see how hard you can try to carry your eyeballs from The Shelter to The New Frontier. The torrent is there and the pentagram is very much so, carved into the ground with a double circle of protection around it, if it is fun, it is geographically impressive, if it is serious, its impressiveness sways in other directions. Grass never grows that fast like those near the tracks, turn the camera slowly around, the vicinity changes. Subtle signs of reality hacking. Construction towers remain construction towers. There is something in that moment, out of reality. Still looking for it. Or a false, false alert.

more DIY: Russian Transformers test short film

My new video experiment, based on Michael Bay's Transformers, for you and myself. This short film was shot in 2 hours. Edited in month=) For shooting I used my new camera Canon 550D (+ kit lens 18-55mm + 50mm 1.8) and a little bit my friend's camera Nikon D5000 (+ kit lens 18-55mm). Thanks for Watching. (via, thx to lumi - go and hire the man!)

unbuddhism: the week in objects 01

I hesitated / before building the first katamari of footsteps / the personality construct. A fake LOMO shot staged somewhere not an office nor a home anymore. Unbuddhism, from Saturday till Saturday, objects best presentable now, then lost later. "An autograph of Alec Empire" in his Berlin studio and "a set of two untouched pair of safety earbuds", remains of an unwavering attention. Motivation. Traces of anticonsumerism. "Zero History", making me think of all the brands and mechanisms we have stashed away but haven't finished or even started yet but the will to break all shackles and travel around the world is now stronger than ever. Always is genius, stasis is the enemy. "Procedural graphics entry card to Function-X" with The Girl In The Ono-Sendai T-Shirt and her bookcrossing find, "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs" - must read and pass on, the cover and the format talk to me. About getting my book finished and getting it to print. A proverbial muse still looking at her hands, pondering about how to finger my precious brain meat. Ideas, rare commodity. An "Anonymous soft drink, Club Maté" with their unmistakable logo and their secret concoction the taste of fig, the color of off-lab carbamide, a bottled memory of the First Budapest Science Meetup. "The September issue of Mondo" with twelve new pages of The Damage Report in it and the "first hardcover, still print-odorous edition of Doktor Sleepless" with a metallic, nauseating perfume of oldschool BASF tapes from the nineties. The fine rain horizontal brought to you by Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble, laughing, in the mechanism.

deus ex human evolution: tgs tokyo game show japanese trailer

The Vangelis Blade Runner Esper edition soundtrack plays in the background while I'm watching this Japanese cut of the new Deus Ex 3 trailer, making me think more about urban environments, architecture and civil unrest in infospace, rather than implants, grey licensed guns and cool mirrorshades. Look at the freeroamer urban games and two broken concepts will reveal themselves instantly: 1, you can only enter interiors that are crucial to storytelling or gameplay mechanisms (quest points or places to refill stats) and 2, cities do not breathe, they do not live. The easiest way to show off quantity would be swarms of people, not a dozen that walks around like they're being pushed around in wheelchairs. Cities need people. People will embrace the city virus.

haiku hero

There was a whole week when we only communicated via haiku, all the guys on IRC on our secret channel, not so secret anymore, a handful of eager, vibrant bodies bursting with hormones, smartness or an unlucky combination of both, handful meaning something close to thirty people. There was even a saying if you cannot say it in seventeen syllables, it doesn't exist. I know, because I made it up. And I still approve. And here's this game now, Haiku Hero, giving you a chance to boost your haiku writing skills on the clock - be fast, be sure to include certain words or avoid certain letters - great stuff. Put in on a Chumby, port it to a damn Android app! (Haiku Hero, via

the event (tv series trailer)

The Event (stylized THE EVƎNT) is an upcoming American conspiracy thriller television series created by Nick Wauters for NBC. (...) It is scheduled to premiere Monday, September 20, 2010 at 9 pm/8c. (...) The series is a thriller, love story, and mystery with an element of science fiction. Producers promised timely answers to mysteries, with some answers provided as early as the second episode. Executive producer Evan Katz stated that "everything is designed to answer questions so you're not frustrated or feeling like we're making it up as we go along" and the writers intend to keep the viewers guessing in a "fair way." (via wikipedia)

amgod - dreamcatcher (promo trailer)

This is the official amGod "Dreamcatcher" promo-trailer from the German electro/industrial project. Release will distributed in two ways: as normal double edition (containing the "Creeped & Bloody" and "Harsh & Dirty" cd's) and as limited triple edition (containing the "Creeped & Bloody", "Harsh & Dirty" cd's and the "Remixes" cd). It will be distributed via the Belgian label Alfa Matrix and will also available via amGod itself. (amgod @ myspace)