damage's razor coated candies #08

Hello. This is another birthday. Apparently it's the end of another hexadecimal cycle. According to my friends, the very first one. And who am I to disagree with vanity. Hehe. Seriously. We're back with another Razor Coated Candies, a heartbreakingly versatile compilation of music you can make friends and enemies with. This week brings it's less goth and more hipster electro (nah, just kidding) and I've gone to lengths to cut off previous ties to anything morose, just because I didn't have the time to get down to the bottom of the well now. By the way, have a nice week.



01. ohGr - porE
02. Buck-Tick - My Fuckin' Valentine (live)
03. Necro Facility - Explode (live)
04. George Pringle - Fellini for Prime Minister (live)
05. The Glitch Mob - Beyond Monday
06. Engine-EarZ Experiment - Kaliyuga (live)
07. Lynx & Kemo - Global Enemies
08. Farah - Law of Life
09. Kewlers - Variform
10. Lisa Miskovsky - Still Alive (Teddybears remix)
11. The Rabbit of Death
12. Degrees - Idiot Dreaming
13. Computers Want Me Dead - In Your Blood

negyedéves jegyzet, magánhangzó-harmóniák

Legendás vowel harmony jegyzet negyedévből, csak azért rakom ki ide, mert a Facebookon nem látszódik teljes méretben és semmi sem kiolvasható belőle. Szóval péntek délután öt, ELTE angolszak, ülünk a Polgárdi magánhangzó-harmónia óráján, amin olyanokat tanítanak nekünk, hogy absztrakt síkon (itt már elvesztettem az olvasóim felét) miért jó az pl. a magyar nyelvben, hogy asszonynak, de az már nem, hogy asszonynek (itt a többi olvasót is elvesztettem). Leosztja a táblát két félre, felírja ugyanazt a szót kétszer, azt mondja, szóval ha ezt a szabályrendszert vesszük alapul, akkor kinéz ennek a szónak a belső hangzóstruktúrája így, de egy másik szabályrendszerrel meg teljesen máshogy néz ki és akkor máshogy is tudnánk toldalékolni, ez hatalmas probléma. Egen, mondom, a probléma az inkább az, amikor lángol a ház, anyád bentég, te meg lentről nézed és nem tudsz segíteni, AZ probléma, a táblán az a szar az sehol nem közelít a problémához. (Tudod, idegeskedő olvasó, egészen addig, amíg valakinek nincs veszélyben az élete, addig nem éri meg rajta idegeskedni, akkor oda kell menni és meg kell oldani.) Filmes jelenet, mert a hirtelen beülő csendben minden jobban hangzik hetven decibellel. Ez is. Bill átment a félévin, én méteres karóval, mondom a tanárnak, ezt miért? Azt mondja, szerinted? A jegyzet a lelkiállapotunkat ábrázolja, a tisztelt tanárnőnek meg innen is, hogy a probléma még mindig ott kezdődik, ahol emberélet van kockán. Viszont megnyugtathatom, hogy nem lett belőlem nyelvész. Ennek a világ női hangosan és egyszerre örülnek mind. További kellemes napot a város szívéből mindenkinek.

Edgar Davey - Singularity (experimental video with Kattoo soundtrack)

The project started in the end of May 2011, when I contacted Kattoo, asking if I could use his music for my animation. After getting his approval , I was jumping and dancing around my laptop in joy. If only I knew how much trouble I just got myself into. I am kidding of course, however every step of creation was hard. First of all when I decided what I want to do considering animation, I had no clue how to approach my idea. But thanks to the internet and people out there I was slowly getting my answers. Another problem was in hardware. My old Macbook was working days and nights. I was taking me about 30-35 hours to render one scene. And if I found out that I made a mistake somewhere, I had to do everything all over again. (via vimeo)

Atari Teenage Riot's "Is This Hyperreal?" and the Budapest live

It's been eleven years since the collective anger persona of Atari Teenage Riot took the sonic equivalent of a violent blow to your head with a diamond drill. But they're back now with Is This Hyperreal? and through the exclusive stream on NME, the new album is basically everywhere. And Alec Empire has just retweeted this video compilation. Which is yet another reason to go out and buy this album when it comes out in June (June 7th, to be precise). It is loud, splintered and hysterically loud! Below - some 45 minutes of the Budapest gig. I'll need to get both my head and body around this album but thankfully half the office is down after getting to Codebreaker, so it officially qualifies as a sonic weapon.

Tron 3D light projection skateboarding

Thanks to everyone who headed down to the first night of our "TRON: Legacy" event yesterday. Here's the footage - V.cool. To see this in person you can head down to the IMAX entrance at the Melbourne Museum tonight or tomorrow night from 9-11pm. (via WaltDisneyStudiosAU)

so i bought myself an original sinred (yes, a bike)

Life begins outside your comfort zone. So I went out after years (decades, more like it) and bought myself an original Sinred. Which is a bike. Which was hand-crafted by a friend of mine who's also called Sinred, now there's a loop for you to get out of. Re-hacking my brain and dropping down shackles of a few years (decades, more like it) is fun. I should do this more often. Thanks to Sinred, Tlvlpierre, Miss Toyclouds and Amelia Arsenic. You helped hack the universe! Again! (Contact Sinred. He will make bikes of pleasure for you.)

Jaigen, csak hogy magyarul is kint legyen. Szóval, az élet nyilván a komfortzónádon kívül indul el igazán, a jó történetek, az igazán emberi és mosolykeltő és limitbréker (ezt most találtam ki egy kávé után, úgyhogy elnézed, nincs más esélyed) történetek akkor jönnek. Szóval évek (dehogy, évtizedek) után mentem és vettem magamnak egy eredeti Sinredet. Ami egy bringa. Amúgy. (Itt az ismerőseim elnyújtottan üvöltenek. Jól teszik. Én is azt tettem.) Amit egy régi barátom szerelt össze. Aki szintén Sinred. (Ugye itt nyilván ki kell kerülni a logikai hurokból. Hehe.) Úgyhogy újrahúroztam az agyam és ledobtam pár évnyi (évtizednyi) limitet. És imádtam. Gyakrabban kéne valóságot törni. Köszönet Sinrednek, Tlvlpierrenek, Miss Toycloudsnak és Amelia Arsenicnek, akikkel könnyebb volt meghackelni a világegyetemet. Megint. (Beszéljetek Sinreddel, szerel nektek vanderfult.)

Chromaroma: when locative looks really good, for a change

Chromaroma's a London-based locative game based around your daily travels by Tube and other notable means of transportation - similar to a Foursquare leaderboard, only with more missions and achievements and ways to get points. It also feature area capturing (so it obviously has competing groups signified by red, yellow, green and blue) and Pat Cadigan is also a major player. How better can this get? (Thx to Antal Solti for sending this over!)

Warren Ellis documentary on pre-order: Transmetropolitan teaser

In this clip from the forthcoming documentary film, Warren Ellis, Darick Robertson and others discuss the impact of Transmetropolitan.

For more information on the film, visit www.warrenellismovie.com

Pre-Order now at www.halo8store.com

Fisting Utopia

So I'm talking to this girl and she tells me how she's stuck in a rut - she knows what she wants but she doesn't have a chance to ever achieve it. She's totally, very doomed, she says. So I ask her, Why don't you use the trick? "The what?" The reality hacking trick. When you do the unexpected twist to solve the task at hand. She doesn't quite get it. I explain.

Don't bury yourself in the head, I tell her, if you say you're doomed, you think you're doomed - if you think you're doomed, you won't see any other way to get out. So the key to find a vector of liberty is basically in your head. And it's not even mysticism, it's just how you deal with your shit. It's very much like sitting with D in the ambulance car with him bleeding and looking very much out of any picture you can think of. And the ambulance guy tells me, "Hey, we see dozens of people every day who look worse than that. Those who want to live, survive. Those who don't want to live that much anymore, they die. It's that simple.

So I tell her, don't bury yourself in the head. You - and you there, reading this -, you're all into books and movies and protagonists and superheroes and people who effectively deal with their stuff. So make yourself into one of those people. Make up an ideal character. Make up your own superhero. A positive projection. Whatever the name is, just imagine the kind of person you really want to be. How would that person solve that problem the book/movie way? Imagine that and then make that happen. It is creation. A sheer force of will. Magick, if you will, quite close to how Crowley described it. However you call it, that's what actually makes stuff happen.

She's silent for a second and then she goes like And do you usually work things out the same way? And I tell her, No, I was never really forced to do it. And then I realize I just lied. The mindpower that was put into that trick was used, twice, I think, invested into spells of something like ten years. And when the discussion ends, I realize, the tricks don't work anymore. And that explains a fuck lot about my life at the moment. And the first sentence I wrote ends the whole post. So I started to be a superhero, again.

Neuromancer finally in pre-production: read more about previous producer hell

The Neuromancer movie, the very essence of SF's past 25 years in terms of hardcore ideas and inspiration is starting to look like Duke Nukem 3D - all concept art, production tidbits and status reports but no actual stuff to prove things are past the paperwork discussion and the creative process. Brace yourselves, we have a new contender in the arena. According to the news coming straight from our friends at QuietEarth, there's been a fatality - Joseph Kahn is off the list and Canadian SF director Vincenzo Natali has the blessing of the pope of cyberpunk himself. Here are the steps that led us right to this point.

Yes. This is May 19th, 2011 now and this article has been posted in the Paris issue of The Dose mag approximately a year ago. Still, the QuietEarth guys just posted today that the Neuromancer movie is now officially in pre-production so to avert the hex of production hell (so to say), here's a brief summary of what happened so far. Do enjoy.
Read more

Thane bust from the Mass Effect universe

Were this a 3D render of Mass Effect 2's Thane, it would be impressive. Thing is, it's not. This is a tangible, old-fashioned sculpt. Get a load of the detail! (via kotaku)

YES. Neuromancer in pre-production!

Seven Arts Pictures and GFM Films announced today that "Neuromancer," written and directed by Vincenzo Natali and adapted from the William Gibson best-selling novel, has secured sales from distributors in the first three days of Cannes. Territories licensed include: South Korea and Thailand, Taiwan, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and India, CIS, Poland, and the Middle East.

"Response to this cult cyberspace thriller has been tremendous and the film ticks a lot of boxes with distributors. The film will be a Canadian-European co-production with principal photography occurring in Canada, Istanbul, Tokyo, and London. Work on the visual effects has already begun, with an anticipated start date in the first quarter of 2012," said Kate Hoffman, Chief Operating Officer of Seven Arts. GFM also reported advanced discussions in Germany, the UK, France, and the USA.. (via our friends at quietearth)

and then we planned our escape

Without Tommy, this minimal tunnel of Japanese audio asthetics and Detroit-alchemic sigil backflaps would never have gotten here. Thank you.

...and it will be given to you

imag0666 dot jpeg. Papa Legba ouvre baye pou mwen, Ago eh! Papa Legba Ouvre baye pou mwen, Ouvre baye pou mwen, Papa, Pou mwen passe, Le'm tounnen map remesi Lwa yo!

cooking show from hell: vegan black metal chef

After Epic Mealtime and Regular Ordinary Swedish Mealtime hammered into our brainstems the one simple fact that deep down each and every one of us is a barbaric kitchen machine with four different mandibles and an evil spirit fueled by fuck and bacon, here's yet another culinary centipede in video. (I actually called someone demon girl just a while back out of pure natural kindness, so I need to stab myself to get alright. But anyways.) Vegan Black Metal Chef will turn the simple act of cooking into a melodramatic existential depravity. Even when it's about tofu. It's terrible and very, very brilliant at the same time.

makk keményítő

Már a boltokban is. (Amúgy tokyoplaza.hu.)

drinking the piss of our friends, eating the ashes of our enemies


silent fucking silhouettes. silhouettes silently fucking. Összkomfortos tundra a világ tetején, LEDprizmákkal megköpött kártyavárfalakkal, néha felébredek, ha egyedül és körbe kell néznem, hogy tudjam, rossz helyen vagyok, mielőtt visszaaludnék, a kártyák zöld árnyékában figyelem az árnyékomat, de nem változik, nem nő, nem sokszorozódik, ez így unalmas, ez még az utolsó, amire gondolok, mielőtt a tudatom aknafalak között pattogó fémsikolyokba bomlik le és porolja le magát a másik oldalon, szép, vallatáshoz használt tükörüveg fedi azt az egészet, alig hozok vissza valamit belőle, néha megmarad valamelyikőtök arca, írok neki olyankor, álmodtam veled, ez legalább olyan rossz poke, mint az SMS, hogyaztmondja, Terhes vagyok, de legalább garantálom, hogy azok nem fognak velem beszélni, akikkel álmodom. Reverzmágnes, hűtőn csorog.

Szanálok. Ahogy egy szamurájelegenciával oldalradőlt, nyolc évnyi magánéletemet halk csattanással magávalvivő HDDre kimentem és ittam egyet, nyugtázva köztük és köztem feszes biccentéssel, hogy szopjatok le, úgy emésztette fel az entrópia az aktív huszas évtized jegyzeteit, könyveit, lemezeit, a konzumerista negatív négyzetgyök alatt képzett pina határozott flapflappal záródott búsra három teli konténer után, pedig valahol van egy univerzum, ahol a bal felső fiókban még megvolt a komplett, 2600akkal bérelt zárnyitó szett. A feedeket egymás után ütöm ki, a legtöbbje értéktelen, hazug vagy még túl korai, ha valaki szembejön sparktól tág mangakerek szemekkel, hogy hallottad-e, akkor nem lepődöm meg, miért tenném, a fejemben lebontott Midnighter-gráf már rég annyira unott, hogy azt nézi, lehet-e Moebius-szalagra úgy maszturbálni, hogy utána törtdimenziója legyen. Az ananász a titka.

A gráf előnye (hátránya), hogy egyszerre él benne az összes lehetőség, karnyújtáson természetesen távol, akarok egy olyan születésnapi ajándékot, hogy mutathassak egy középső ujjat a Földnek, mielőtt becsapódnék a Marsba, hogy utána Minecraftozzak a kellően invizibul szabadkőművesekkel. Sötéten habzó traumaebek, gyorsriposztos automata írás, szevasztok. Rég nem látott kurvák a hátam közepén, jó öt éve nem írtam már így vagy több is volt talán, ablakba kirakott webcampislantásokból és az így elkapott fénypászmákból számoltam még ki a világ igazmondását kellően remegő vasárnap estéken. Azt hiszem, meg is fogalmaztam hangban mindezt, a tehetségtelen, rejtett szögekben forgatott háromszögekkel terhelt okkulthipszter witch house túl erőtlen mindehhez, az űrgárdistákra komponált hardcore túl statikus, a darkbient túl morajló, a black metal túl szétszórt.

A csend azonban örök.
És senki sem hallja.

damage's razor coated candies #07

Welcome to another mondayly edition of Razor Coated Candies, a heartbreakingly versatile compilation of music you can make friends and enemies with. This week brings you a touch of Sweden synthpop with Emmon and her previous band Paris, some teenvampery and a bloodcurdling wink at industrial. Spit blood, masturbate with naga jolokia and think about gorgeous music. By the way, this means have a happy week. We will be back with more news, statistics, weirdosity and personal posts that make sense after the break.


01. Paris - 60 Minutes
02. Paris - Streetlights
03. Uh Huh Her - Not a Love Song
04. Superbus - Addictions
05. VersaEmerge - Figure it Out
06. The Birthday Massacre - Holiday
07. Linkin Park vs. Utah Saints - One Step Closer to Something Good
08. Crystal Castles - Crimewave
09. Black Nail Cabaret - Tell Me It's Not Over
10. Emmon - Secrets & Lies
11. Client & Parralox & Cicada - 2 Hearts on the Radio (The Oxy Mashup)
12. U2 - New Years Day (live)
13. Faith & The Muse - Running Up That Hill
14. Hecq - Come Home
15. Skinny Puppy - Worlock
16. New Project - Coma