venetian cyberpunk carnival masks


Sieghai (new addition to the everchanging blogroll) found this awesome pic off flickr, that's a Venetian shopwindow with some sweet cyberpunkish carnival masks. This actually sets off a tremendous shopping and travelling urge in me. Send me more wicked neo-antique.

naga sabi bomb (because you have actually tazered your tongue out)

nsb.jpgMegvan, hogy három X-szárnyúból álló raj biztosítja a brooklyni kockahasakra felinstanttetkózott biohazárdveszélyt?

Lassan havi rítussá válik nálunk (azaz Dawenél meg nálam), hogy tisztelettől könnyező szemekkel kattintgatjuk végig dannycasht meg a hozzá hasonló oldalakat (nagy a pofám, amióta beledörgöltem a 10/10-es erősségű szószt a szemembe és csak fél óráig nem láttam). Hétfőn jött a mostvagysoha, előtte nyilván a Scoville-skálát néztük, hogy nekifutásból melyikünk milyen messze jut el, perszehogyamélyvíz.

Ezzel itt balra valószínűleg hadifoglyokat kínoztak, tekintve hogy naga jolokia, red habanero és wasabi van benne. Az első két összetevő a világ két legerősebb, kapszaicint tartalmazó, chilipaprikának gúnyolt tömegoszlató fegyvere, a wasabit meg ugyan nem lehet mérni Scoville-ban, mert izotiocianátot tartalmaz kapszaicin helyett, ezért cserébe amit a szájüregben nem tud marni, azt az orrjáraton keresztül meg az agyban teszi meg. Aztán aznap majd újraéljük a teremtést. (

bamboo light


még egy energiatakarékos LEDmegoldás, ezúttal törökországból. sevcan yardim (ő a nevével ellentétben lány) szerint a bambusz formája konkrétan üvölt a moduláris felépíthetőségért. a bamboo light az ankarai [metu] egyetemen lett lefejlesztve, egyelőre még nem kapható. (via core77)

appleseed: ex machina (new dvd trailer)

március 11-től lehet megrendelni az amazonon az új appleseed: ex machina 2DVD-s verziót. már keveri mindenki a blu-ray, hddvd és szimpla dvd, valamint az ezekből összeállított szimpla, dupla és collector's edition verziókat, egyesek szerint angol-spanyol-francia nyelvű audiotrackek vannak rajta, az eredeti japán nincs is, úgyhogy sanyarú szívvel kell megrendelnem kipróbálásra ezt is az eredeti appleseed coll-ed meg az új vexille mellett (ami viszont csak május 20 után jön ki). de azért csak mellékelem a higgadtzenés-majdnemnégyperces prada-verziót is.

moltensteelman - walking beast

"The Walking Beast is a mechanical creature that walks on 8 legs! (...) Its current weight is 11,300 Lbs. When finished it will be approximately 6 tons (12,000 lbs)! It stands 11 feet tall, 8' 4" wide and 23 feet long! It is capable of transporting 8 people including the driver. It has a step height of 41" and a stride of 5 feet!"

Hell of a post-apocalyptic strider for those with an apparently infinite amount of time to pop some scorpions in the middle of the fucking desert. With a Chevy V-8 engine. Srsly. (link)

psykosonik - welcome to my mind

was an American techno music group. Their first album, Psykosonik, was a hard-hitting techno album with cyberpunk-esque lyrics. (link)

trembled blossoms

Directed by the performance artist James Luna and based on James Jean's Nouveau-esque wallpaper seen in the ad campaign, the film is an ambitious narrative fantasy depicting a cyber woman's journey through a magical, illustrated forest.An army of CGI operatives were enlisted to show her morphing from a Lalique-like blossom, through a pastel coloured meadow and into a splendid, seductive glade, where she meets Pan. The fashion element is subtle yet cleverly handled. She begins as a sort of pale neuter cyborg wearing nothing but PRADA heels and then a mysterious character (a sci-fi stylist?) emerges from the trees and clothes her in the stand-out red and blue check sheath dress from the S/S '08 collection... (via)

superplonk: AR, stross style


one experiment in my ongoing surveillance series simulates superplonk with images of network cameras. via motion detection i am reconstructing a place’s image without people and cars. all moving objects are becoming ghosts. only people and cars who are standing still are becoming visible. movement makes you invisible. jan covers this topic in his master thesis, too. (link, via)

mecha naga: another piece of want


mental note: stab myself in the head repeatedly if i do not order at least one after zurich (link)

sleep wa(l)king robots interprets dreams via dance

Sleep Waking is an unusual art work that combines recorded brainwave activity and REM sleep with robot behaviors. The Sleep Waking robot plays back your dreams, or, if you will, presents an interpretive dance of your dreams.

The Sleep Waking robot is the result of a collaboration between Fernando Orellana and Brendan Burns. Orellana spent a night in The Albany Regional Sleep Disorder Center in New York. The staff wired him up and collected data of every conceivable kind: EEG, EKG, rapid eye movement - you name it. Orellana describes the use of the data to animate the robot (...) (link)

audiosurf: ten dollars to leave you orgasm-eyed


Broken and abused has never been this much fun. Audiosurf, the new indie epic find met Destroid's classic floorfiller stompa (watermarked by none other than Haujobb god Daniel Myer) - see proof above. (That was where it really hit me.) One third speeder, one third blockcombiner, one third hallucinogenic cyber trip inducer, Audiosurf will leave avid gamers who desperately want their personalities uploaded all over the 'Net for freeplay orgasm-eyed and bleeding for more. Addictive. Very. All I can want is more gametypes and more mods. Easily the most entertaining game of the year.

phun - a fun 2d physics playground

Phun is meant to be a playground where people can be creative. It can also be used as an educational tool to learn about physics concepts such as restitution and friction. (via, link)


[before you ask, I am not affiliated to any degree with anonymous, nor am I with the church of scientology. the apparent conspiracy, the videos and how it affects media and the very presentation of protest entertains me.]

stephen hobley's laser harp


Although it might take more than a decent week of fiddling around to make Jean-Michel Jarre jack off with unholy glee, Stephen Hobley's laser harp prototype is a working one. Had been for some time, that is, checking out the release dates on his YouTube and all. Still, drop me a few lines if you could prepare a laser harp for our live shows. July's the date, most probably. (link)

german djs and their living rooms (and spiders on drugs)

Found this amazing (and at the same time pretty much outdated) photo selection of living room interiors that belong to certain German DJs off Digg.. Vaguely reminds me of the page where you had all the photos of drug-induced spiderwebs and visually it turned out that caffeine messed up your brain in a much more dramatic way than mescaline or cocaine. Just think about how these DJs handle the music and their decors. Awesome! (link)




synesthetics - microdots

A microdot is text or an image substantially reduced in size onto a 1mm disc to prevent detection by unintended recipients. (...) Historically, LSD solutions were first sold on sugar cubes, but practical considerations forced a change to tablet form. Early pills or tabs were flattened on both ends and identified by color: "gray flat", "blue flat", and so forth. Next came "domes", which were rounded on one end, then "double domes" rounded on both ends, and finally small tablets known as "microdots". (source: wikipedia)

Tökéletes példája az oldschool, alagútban fejjel előre zuhanó goa-tekerések középszintjének, a demót eredetileg XBOX360-ra gyártotta a Synesthetics (STS), második helyezést ért el a tavalyi Assembly-n a combined demo versenyen. (via pouet)


the new chiba


Chiba Ákos képkeretező után újabb névrokon, aki foglalkozása szerint (igen megalomán módon jelezve) kardos. Köszönjük. Még mindig fogorvos és utcaiszamuráj, valamint szervizes Chibákat keresünk.

hellgate: fed up


Giving up on Hellgate:London after a few months of alpha and beta testing, followed by three months of subscription enema is something I have to consider either a feat of prehistoric will or simply common sense. Think about it. You're level 33, you've seen your share in combat, instead of doing tai ch'i, studying Japanese or receiving a proper blowjob, you level up and you farm palladium. And the most intense experience you ever get in the game is that you receive some military pants that looks like just the other thousand you've sold and it makes your ass cheeks glow yellow instead of purple.

Level randomization is boring. Monsters are boring. Coloring is dull. Item design is dull and boring. Finding an item is not funny anymore. In a 3D game where DirectX10 effects are supposed to be the shit, I sort of expect my character to look cool and I expect to find shitloads of items that look cool on me. I also expect to be generously handed a vanity cam that works in various ways the current version doesn't. You grind on and on just because you expect to find something new and interesting and it really pulls you into the game. For a time. US and EU players cannot migrate to servers, shared stash and auction house still not working and as for the characters, they are fucking unappealing. Seriously. I do not expect (although I should) the graphical diversity of Guild Wars, but seriously, those guys know their shit. None of the characters look good. The faces, terrible. Mod support? None. And for all that, 10 euros per month? No way in hell and that's not because I couldn't afford it.

I have worked in the game testing/development arena and I have been eaten by wolves every day and worked with fat fascist workaholic cocksuckers, lots of them. So I sort of know what it means not to be able to finish things by deadlines and continuous ego clashes between developers (who shat the universe, basically) and all the lower-level scum. Good intent and the distant prospect of a good game might have led Bill's troopers. Right into the cesspool.

No cocaine ammo for Bill.

DBC030, the end of it all

gibby kivancsi tappancskanak miert ez a neve?
tappancska fiu neve ellenere
tappancska: es azert tappancska mert otthon alt. tappancskanak szolitjak
gibby mar nem is annyira kivancsi
gibby is fiu

missing pages (amended version)

Jerome Olivier decently kicks fellow movie-makers in the teeth with his fotomation, the technique that enables him to create a 24-minz movie out of HD stills. (Think Broken Saints, done really properly.) The whole movie in high-def is freely downloadable off the original page, so you're all better off if you download the zips and start watching right away.

Because that's where things get really confusing. If you've done your primer in sci-fi, you'll know time travel (which the whole movie is about) is inherently bad and involves fucking your parents, dedicated savants are known for not maintaining social relations and there's gotta be at least one traitor in a movie. You have all these. With the sweet addition of butoh dancer group Dairakudakan (they're the time-traveling vampire Core security guys) and time travel gadets that look like steampunk dildos, your synapses can start shooting away. This is one of the best short movies in SF I've seen in a while, also one with too many cliches - so we end up giving it seven outta ten. (link)

doktor sleepless, issue five


"Imagine what all of us, living here in the future, can achieve. Be authentic to your dreams. Be authentic to your own ideas about yourself. Grind away at your own minds and bodies until you become your own invention. Be mad scientists.

Here at the end of the world, it's the only thing worth doing."

Thank you, Warren.