VIDEO: Phurpa live at Extreme Rituals

Yet another live recording of Russian Bon ritual chanter ensemble Phurpa. Missed them once in London (because of the book event that got canceled at the last moment) and once at the Extreme Rituals festival - here's a reminder for me and for every pathfinder reading this why we need to partake in more live events like this. This is shining gateway-opening darkness at its best.


BOOKMARKS FOR 2013-03-05

  • How a Social Network Unravels: I’m sure Nabeel agrees network effects are great and all, but he had an awesome devil advocate one-liner that gave me pause. He said, “Companies that are social on the way up are social on the way down.”
  • Jean Michel Jarre: Metamorphosis: RA's Aaron Coultate talks to the iconic French artist about vintage synths, vaporized techno and society's fear of the future.
  • E.S.P. Exists: Inside Sony’s Corporate Research: Why would one of the world’s most successful and innovative technology corporations research a highly controversial subject and risky future product opportunity such as E.S.P. (extrasensory perception) and then – oh by the way – tell the world they proved it existed?

  • VIDEO: Amanda Palmer at TED - The art of asking

    Don't make people pay for music, says Amanda Palmer. Let them. In a passionate talk that begins in her days as a street performer (drop a dollar in the hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), she examines the new relationship between artist and fan.
