The papers we read and the TV we watch, the internet we browse and the products we consume. An almost-manifesto of the zeitgeist that’s founded upon geographic data visualization, however ugly and uncool it sounds. I had the honor of meeting Carlo Ratti back in Brussels a few months ago where he held a presentation on his project Senseable City Lab – if you check out the videos on YouTube, you’ll basically come across the wet dreams of the 80’s geeks – how does a city’s information sea ripple when an event causes people to communicate?

Spacebook is a project to design an interactive house whose walls gradfually change in transparency with changes in local environmental conditions and the presence or absence of people inside and outside the space. The project uses a new type of glass that was recently patented at the SENSEable City Lab. (spacebook @

Watch the video. It is like Anonymous meeting Byron frock intelligentsiya with a smirk. We build glass walls, not spaces. Spacebook is our first real glassbox, all surfaces in every direction molded from transparent glass with uninhibitive 360 degrees views. It allows us to see everything. Or nothing. We can choose.